Because in LA LA land...people tend to tell you what they think you WANT to hear...I'm here to change and question that.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


This will probably be a huge stomping ground for me this year. I think it's a biggy and something I encourage us all to relate to. (I am trying to focus on this in my life). COMPASSION.

All over the news the media is showing us all the crazies, all the drama, all the wrongs... Why not turn it around? Why did people get that way? Let's help people to NOT become that; let's encourage better behavior. Now I'm not saying to go hug a murderer or condone that sort of thing, but why not walk a mile in someone's shoes? What if that were you? "No, it couldn't be me!", you say. Sure it could. What if tomorrow, it all turned around. You got sick. You lost your job, then your house and your things. Your best friends walked away and didn't help you. You lost sight of what you truly dreamed for. Things happen in an instant and it can happen to anyone. We are all one and the same. Made up of the same "stuff". Our society has been taught to "buy into" the drama. It's all over the news. It becomes scarey and something to fear when we buy into that. Perhaps that is what the media wants. Fearful, scared people that no longer see people as people...but as something to be feared. You can take away rights pretty easily from a community who is fearful. Look at what happened after 911 in this country. (THAT is a whole other blog post)

So what happens when we become fearful and loose sight of compassion? We play the blame game, don't take accountability and give away our rights as humans. We believe that we are different than others and create one being "right" and another being "wrong". We create a gap and false hatred. We actually loose our humanity and loose sight of what is really important in

What do I mean by the blame game? This keeps us from feeling like we can "do anything" to help people or even feel compassion. Some say "Oh the president (or other person of high esteem) is against _____ (pro life, anti-guns, whatever-insert your own words here)" and then that is it. He's a bad guy. The other side are "bad guys", "wrong", "awful". So if you believe in pro-life, how many of you have gone to planned parenthood and talked to a woman getting an abortion. Really sat a minute in her shoes. Do you know why she is going to do what she is going to do? Forget what you believe from your religious teachings, but just for one minute really feel compassion and see why she is going to do it. Will her father beat her? Was she raped? You know the saying...Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one? well that's just it. For her this is right and for you this is wrong. When we learn compassion, all of a sudden we see things differently and we can help people get to a better place without creating hatred and "wrongs". And I'm sure I opened a can of worms by going the abortion route here, but this could be any "hot topic". We can insert any of them here. Whenever you feel yourself surge with annoyance for someone else or an "issue", replace that feeling with compassion and see what happens.

By buying into the drama of each situation we are going right into the path of fear and ignorance. You may as well hand over your life now. You are basically just a puppet. It is when we really embrace compassion that we can fully embrace life. I want to teach our children to be proud of their differences and those around them...for it is the differences that make us have more compassion and thus more love...

I may sound like I'm preaching and perhaps I am...but really just to myself. You can take it as you will. I just hope that more choose compassion, in these fear frenzy media days of today, than hatred and fear of those who see things differently or those who make a bad choice. You may not agree with them but you don't have to fear them or send hate. And...if you don't like what's happening...go out there and make a difference, don't just spew judgements...

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